China’s Communist Party Controlled Military
America and its allies should understand an important fact about China’s armed forces. The People’s Liberation Army is a part of the Chinese Communist Party and not an instrument of the state. It is the Chinese Communist Party’s armed wing. In other words, China’s military is run and is loyal only to the Party and its leader President Xi, not to the Chinese people themselves despite the name.
Many career military officers are Communist Party members, and units at the company level and above have political officers responsible for personnel decisions, propaganda, and counterintelligence. These political officers are also responsible for ensuring that party orders are carried out throughout the People’s Liberation Army. Chinese Communist Party committees, led by the political officers and military commanders, make major decisions in units at all levels. Therefore, China’s soldiers, sailors and airmen resemble the political/military ideologues of the former Soviet Union who answered to Stalin, faithfully and willingly carrying out party orders. This stands in stark contrast to the armed forces of America.
The Threat Of War
The Threat Of War
The primary focus of The WAR Times is to evaluate the likelihood of a major armed conflict breaking out between America and its allies vs. China, Russia, North Korea and/or Iran.
This publication understands that there are vast differences in the threat level emanating from these different adversaries. Clearly, the main threat comes from a possible hegemonic war with China, a nation state that seeks to change the current geopolitical landscape to benefit the Middle Kingdom by forcing upon the world its own version of autocratic socialism. Imperialistic China’s aggressive actions in the East China Sea, the South China Sea and its constant threat to invade Taiwan are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to its tactical and strategic plans.
When acknowledging the real possibility of a war with China, Russia poses a special problem. In this regard, America would be wise to look to history and the strategic thinking of President Roosevelt prior to the outbreak of World War Two. President Roosevelt knew that America might need Stalin and the Soviet Union if America were drawn into war with Nazi Germany. Many historians believe that without the Soviet Union as an ally that the Second World War in Europe may have been lost.
Let us not be foolish and overly idealistic when it comes to our nation’s security and who we choose as our allies. We need to be practical and pragmatic in this regard. During the Second World War, the Soviet Union was our ally while Germany, Japan and Italy were our enemies. At the birth of our nation, Great Britain was our enemy and they are now our long-time ally.
Today, without Russia as a military and security ally, it would be much more challenging for America and its current allies to defeat China in a future war. It might be that the only way a victory could be possible would be to place China in a military vise, having to fight a two front war.
Therefore, it is vital that America attempt once again to make Russia an ally against the mutual threat now posed by China. Russia also has reasons for concern over China’s rise as a regional or global hegemon. If Russia were united with America, that alliance in itself could act as a deterrent to stop Chinese armed aggression.
Conversely, a real Chinese/Russian military alliance would create control of what geopolitical theories call the World Island from which full control of the rest of the world is possible.
It is recognized that currently any attempt at making Russia an ally is most problematical and that Russia itself, in its somewhat understandable historical paranoia, is causing real trouble. In addition, if Russia does decide to attack any of our allies, we must be ready to respond with superior force.
When dealing with North Korea and Iran, the issue is not hegemonic domination but the possibility of a more limited conventional war that could harm America and its allies’ interests.
It is currently presumed that armed conflict would not result in the use of strategic nuclear weapons and that the international system would still be governed by the concept of mutual assured destruction. However, any conventional armed conflict has the inherent potential of spiraling out of control and resulting in a devastating thermonuclear war and, in regard to North Korea, the possibility of a nuclear missile attack should not be ruled out.
The goal and mission of The WAR Times is to analyze the ongoing threat of armed conflict and to help convince America and its allies to create enough civilian and military deterrent force that no aggressor will attempt to start a major war. It is only by being stronger in will, intent and capability than our enemies that we might be able to avoid such a tragedy.
The basically divided and isolationist American public must not suffer another Pearl Harbor in order to get it right this time.