Brave New World – With Chinese Characteristics
Brave New World – With Chinese Characteristics
Possibly the most insidious aspect of China’s Communist Party is its focus on mind-control.
Make no mistake about it, China is intent on creating a world not unlike that of the novels Brave New World and 1984 where individual freedom did not exist. Similar to brain washing, the CCP is conducting what it calls ‘patriotic education’ in an effort to build what it refers to as a ‘socialist spiritual civilization’ where loyalty is not to the country or its citizens but to the Communist regime itself.
Chinese leaders want to be sure that all of their people recognize the Party as the sole source of political authority and in the tradition of double speak, China calls this ideology ‘socialist democracy’ which of course just means dictatorship by President Xi. China is cracking down on what it calls ‘violations of virtuous behavior’ among its teachers and students to make sure that the future belongs to a repressive China. This includes any negative reference to the authority of the party or its system of socialism. Marx, Lenin, and Mao must be smiling from their graves. This form of communism has led to the deaths of literally millions of innocent people.
If China continues to grow and is able to dominate the world, China’s version of the world will be our future. Thousands of years of the evolution of liberal democracy will end and we will surely live in the Dark Ages again. America is the only country that can lead the way in stopping this ideological disease from spreading. This is our historic duty. It’s time now to recognize this reality before it is too late.
Is History About To Repeat Itself
Is History About To Repeat Itself
We may be again entering a very dangerous historic period when great power competition turned into war.
Between the interwar years after the First World War and the beginning of the Second World War, America did not feel the threat level emerging until it was almost too late. Today, after the end of the Cold War, the American public and its allies are not feeling the level of threat or the likelihood of war that is emerging with a number of near-peer adversaries. The American people again, to their security risk, are repeating the time of the interwar period where America and its allies were slow to recognize the developing danger.
A defense document specifically states that “China is a strategic competitor using predatory economics to intimidate its neighbors while militarizing features in the South China Sea. Russia has violated the borders of nearby nations and pursues veto power over the economic, diplomatic, and security decisions of its neighbors. North Korea’s outlaw actions and reckless rhetoric continue despite United Nation’s censure and sanctions. Iran continues to sow violence and remains the most significant challenge to Middle East stability.”
It is now more important than ever that we encourage and strengthen our support for our military and the defense industry in relation to these emerging threats.
North Korea Problem Complicated By China And Russia
North Korea Problem Complicated By China And Russia
The North Korean problem is not just that this rogue nation state possesses ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons, but that if America gets into a major armed conflict with the Kim regime, both China and Russia could join the fight on behalf of North Korea.
Apart from the fact that all three nations are communist regimes, both China and Russia share a border with North Korea and neither nation will allow territory on its border to be influenced by America. This is a primary reason why neither nation would allow the unification of the Korean peninsula under the leadership of South Korea, an important ally of America.
The experience of the Korean War should be all that is needed to prove this point. During the Korean War, China fought with the North Koreans against America and its U.N. allies and the Soviet Union supplied many of the weapons that were used by the North Korean army.
What this all means is that solving the North Korea problem through military action may be more difficult than it may at first appear.
It’s Never Too Early To Prepare
It is wise for America and its allies to remember the following quote by the former 19th Century British Prime Minister Lord Palmerston when he referred to the critical necessity to be prepared for any possible war. He said:
“if these defensive works are necessary, it is manifest that they ought to be made with the least possible delay; to spread their completion over 20 or 30 years would be folly unless we could come to an agreement with a chivalrous antagonist, not to molest us till we could inform him we were quite ready to repel his attack.”
This approach is even more relevant today. With the constant advancement of military technology, it often takes many years to produce new armaments. The sooner we advance the building of offensive and defensive weapons the better chance we have of winning the next major war.