The Danger Of An EMP Attack

An electromagnetic pulse or EMP attack is rarely discussed, but it might be our most threatening reality, and this type of nuclear attack could come at any time.

China, Russia and North Korea all have the capability of launching such an attack. If they did, such an attack would result in the agonizing death of millions of Americans.

So what exactly is an EMP attack. The simple explanation is that it is a short burst of electromagnetic energy as the result of a high-altitude nuclear explosion. If such a targeted explosion were to occur above the American homeland, it would probably destroy our entire electrical grid system leaving the country without electricity. This loss of our electrical infrastructure would result in the mass starvation of our people and the collapse of our society.

To quote from the EMP Commission Report:

“Electrical power is necessary to support…critical infrastructures, including supply and distribution of water, food, fuel, communications, transport, financial transactions, emergency services, government services, and all other infrastructures supporting the national economy and welfare.  Should significant parts of the electric power be lost for any substantial period of time, the Commission believes that the consequences are likely to be catastrophic, and many people may ultimately die for lack of the basic elements necessary to sustain life in dense urban and suburban communities.”

“Water and its system of supply is a vital infrastructure…(EMP) can damage or disrupt the infrastructure that supplies water to the population, agriculture, and industry of the United States…By disrupting the water infrastructure, an EMP attack could pose a major threat to life, industrial activity, and social order.  Denial of water can cause death in 3 to 4 days, depending on the climate and level of activity. People are likely to resort to drinking from lakes, streams, ponds, and other sources of surface water.

Most surface water, especially in urban areas, is contaminated with wastes and pathogens and could cause serious illness if consumed. If water treatment and sewage plants cease operating, the concentration of wastes in surface water will certainly increase dramatically and make the risks of consuming surface water more hazardous. Demoralization and deterioration of social order can be expected to deepen if a water shortage is protracted.  Anarchy will certainly loom if government cannot supply the population with enough water to preserve health and life.”

“An EMP attack that disrupts the food infrastructure could pose a threat to life, industrial activity, and social order.  Absolute deprivation of food, on average, will greatly diminish a person’s capacity for physical work within a few days. After 4 to 5 days without food, the average person will suffer from impaired judgment and have difficulty performing simple intellectual tasks”

After two weeks without food, the average person will be virtually incapacitated. Death typically results after 1 or 2 months without food. Social order likely would decay if a food shortage were protracted. A government that cannot supply the population with enough food to preserve health and life could face anarchy.

Blackouts of electric grids caused by storms or accidents have destroyed food supplies. An EMP attack that damages the power grid and denies electricity to warehouses or that directly damages refrigeration and temperature control systems could destroy most of the 30-day regional perishable food supply. Blackouts also have disrupted transportation systems and impeded the replenishment of local food supplies.”

“Massive traffic jams are most likely in large cities, the very areas where rapid replenishment of the food supply at hundreds of supermarkets will be needed most urgently. Significantly, recent famines in the developing world have occurred, despite massive relief efforts by the international community, in large part because food relief could not reach victim populations through their underdeveloped transportation infrastructure.”

An EMP attack could, in effect, temporarily create in the United States the technological conditions in the food and transportation infrastructures that have resulted in developing world famines.”

In other words, America as we know it, would no longer exist!

Why are we are doing practically nothing to prevent this very real threat to our civilization?