America’s Challenge

Victory Begins at Home

War is probably coming to America and our citizens are not prepared. It is imperative that the American people get ready for a future war and as it will take years to properly accomplish this security goal, time is of the essence. We must not succumb to the failure to anticipate.

The Home Front is the new frontline. The public must be organized as a fighting force, not for military battle, but for civilian battle. The fact is that war with China has already begun if one considers its various coercive maneuvers. So in reality the American public is already at war with China even though our military has not yet engaged in actual armed conflict.

Since modern warfare includes grey zone and hybrid attacks below the radar of actual military conflict, it is imperative that the Home Front public is educated, informed and prepared to meet that challenge. Today, citizens are as important as military personnel in winning wars. 

As the British Military Historian Michael Howard advised, “If the people themselves are not prepared if necessary to take part in the defence of their country, they cannot in the long run be protected.”

In military terms, there are four planning stages in preparing America’s citizens for war:  the Objective, the Force Buildup, the Execution, and the End Game. 

The Objective of the plan is to convince and prepare the American public that war is approaching and that they must be ready for it. 

The Force Build Up requires that a major educational campaign be launched as soon as possible. This campaign must have the power to overcome the naïve and negative attitude of many Americans about fighting a war with China or other adversaries who favor an uninformed neutrality.

The Execution necessitates that the various campaign projects are launched and remain active for the foreseeable future.

The End Game is that American citizens are ready for war both on the Home Front and also by working to support our armed forces.  Their morale must be at a patriotic all-time high.

Once our citizens are made aware of the threat level they must be encouraged to do the following in order to prepare themselves for war:

  • Understand that we are already at a pre-war armed conflict stage with China.
  • Understand that the threat of major armed conflict with China and possibly other adversaries is growing and that military hostilities could break out at any time.
  • Be aware that China and other potential enemies are using open source propaganda and covert means to try to convince us to follow their autocratic world perspective which is opposed to our democratic way of life which is focused on individual freedoms.
  • Stop buying goods and/or services from China and only purchase goods that have been manufactured in America or in countries that are our allies and friends.
  • Be wary of Chinese economic inducements, public relations campaigns, and other soft power approaches to lure us into complacency. 
  • Be aware that there are mainland Chinese and other enemy spies living in America whose loyalty is not to America but to the Chinese Communist Party and other enemies of democracy.
  • Be aware of the future possibility of violent fifth column type activities such as sabotage.
  • Understand that our nation’s security and sovereignty are more important than our financial dependency on China or any potential enemy.
  • Understand that it is important to stand by our allies and friends if they are attacked by China or any of our other potential enemies. 
  • Understand that if war with China does break out we are dependent on American industry and it’s armed forces to protect us from harm just as they did during the previous two world wars.
  • Support our military by joining the armed forces, and backing budget items for the development and purchase of needed weapons systems for our army, navy and air force. 
  • Be prepared to endure hardships such as rationing and other quality of life sacrifices when war does break out. 
  • Understand that a war with China would probably go on for years and be willing to work hard and do whatever it takes to ensure victory.