The Failure Of Appeasement
One of the most deceptive and coercive strategies that Imperial China is using is called ‘salami slicing’.
This simply means China tends to take what seems to be small steps in carrying out its aggressive military moves.
This is what China has done in the South China Sea by building and taking control of its artificial islands in a way just short of causing a military conflict. The fact that America and especially its Asian allies and friends are allowing this to happen is a very tragic mistake. There is really no difference in small aggressions from big aggressions.
The danger in allowing China to do just what they want is that it encourages the Chinese Communist regime to continue taking over territory that does not belong to them. Let’s not forget the mistake of the infamous Munich agreement that allowed Nazi Germany to devour a part of free and independent Czechoslovakia. That succeeded in wetting the appetite of Adolph Hitler and encouraged that evil dictator to soon consume almost all of Europe. To appease an enemy is never a good idea. How many times do we need to learn the same lesson.