The Importance Of Military Planning

The U.S. military is often ahead of the public when it comes to understanding the reality of the threat of war.

Prior to the outbreak of the Second World War, most of the American public did not want to hear about the approach of major armed conflict. The people were still in the grip of a severe economic depression, jobs were scarce, and many Americans felt that they had enough of their own personal problems to overcome. Luckily, at least some of our military planned for the eventuality of war.

One primary example was our Navy which developed a strategy for war in the Pacific against Japan. This planning proved to be very helpful when that conflict did eventuate.

Today, America is unfortunately repeating the past. The American public is basically tired of warfare, with the country having fought continuous wars in the Middle East for many years and to no avail. The people are not yet distinguishing between these localized wars and the war that could be about to emerge. A war that would involve every aspect of American life. In other words, a major war with a peer-adversary such as China. Luckily, once again, our military does understand the threat and is planning for this possibility.

Hopefully, the American public will also soon recognize the threat.